Nigel Truscott-Smith

Hi, I'm Nigel; I have lived in Weybridge for 23 years with my wife and children, plus a couple of dogs. Recently I have started to present 'The Late Cocoa Club' on a Tuesday evening. This is all very new to me, but I am enjoying it. I think it's essential to give back to the community where you live-nobody wants to be in a hospital, so if I can make a small difference in their day by making them smile, laugh or just by playing a tune they love. Not forgetting the staff who often work long hours and do so much for others, I hope our music can provide them with a little light relief. I love all types of music and especially enjoy blasting out brilliant tunes in my car. I spend as much time as I realistically can in the West of Ireland and love nothing more than fly fishing for wild trout and salmon, not that I'm very good at it. The Irish music scene is very different from that in England, but I try to bring some of this influence to my show. My working life was hectic; I spent 20 years in International Banking and then went on to own a property company which sent me travelling far and wide. I enjoy cooking and BBQ most weeks, even during the winter; I always have had a passion for cars and enjoy mucking around in my workshop.