Andy Brown
Andy won the Gold award for Best Male Presenter at the National Hospital Radio Awards 2013. The station also received two other awards - Gold for Station Promotion devised by Steve D'Silva and Silver to Mandy Morrow for Best Female Presenter. Andy retired seven years ago and so he returned to present a regular weekly programme on Thursday lunchtimes - The Wonderful Wacky Wireless Show from January 2011 to June 2016. He has been involved with the station for thirty years and has held the post of Chairman as well as other roles for the charity. In addition, Andy is one of the team for our Saturday & Friday SportScene programmes and he covers for other shows. He enjoys presenting from the outside events as well as interviewing the crowds and personalities who turn up when Radio Wey are out and about. Along with his wife, Jan Brown, he compiles the weekly Artist Request Chart. Andy is currently the Programme Controller at the station.